Man enters, moves to video rental section. Picks up Spiderman 2, closup on FULL SCREEN SPECIAL EDITION title on DVD box. Cut to look of disgust on man's face. Man picks up Mystic River, repeat. Man picks up Friday Night Lights, repeat. Man disgustedly mvoes towards a rack of "classic" VHS tapes. Male 14, and female 10 approach on rack opposite. Female is clutching a DVD of Anchorman.
Male: How about this? The Man Who Knew Too Much? You remember that movie we watched last week by Alfred Hitchcock? You liked it right? I bet you will like this too.
Male: Come on, this will be fun, Jimmy Stewart!
Male 14 sighs and looks up, facing Man from initial scene. Man smiles and shakes his head.
Man: Hey man, you tried. What can you do?
Male 14 heaves a heavy sigh, takes the Anchorman DVD from female 10, and trudges to checkout counter where he meets his family. Man leaves supermarket happier than when he came in. Goes home and watches Angel Season 3 DVDs all night.
Dude, have you completely stopped watching movies like I have recently? Get off that pinball machine and let's see some reviews!
Sorry I didn't make it to your garage sale. Hope you and R sold some stuff. See you in a month or so.
8:57 PM
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