The Lizard (2004, Kamal Tabrizi)
This Iranian film was the country's highest all-time box-office earner until it was banned by the government for its blasphemous nature. A thief escapes from jail disguised as a holy man, and takes on that role in a small border village while trying to figure out a way to flee the country. The thing that stood out for me over all the other Iranian films I've seen is that The Lizard is really funny. It also has a strong heart and a great message at its core about who is really "good" and the place of religion in people's lives. My only problem with it was a shift in the character towards the end I didn't buy. Still a very enjoyable movie, and well worth seeking out. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more press or a distributor, as it seems like it would play well with the Landmark crowd and the "BANNED IN ITS HOME COUNTRY" tag would probably draw people in.
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